Dramatherapy Network

Gordon Wiseman

animated rule

Patrick Murphy Remembers

I was instantly shocked and am saddened. My memories of Gordon is that he was a sweet, kind and gentle man, and a great director. What a great start to an acting career at the age of fourteen to have Gordon as ones Director, he directed "Oh what a lovely war, The Childrens crusade, and the Caucasion chalk circle. Three great plays with a director whos existence has played a part in my growrh and direction as a human being.

Up to this present day I have never forgotten him ,nor shall I. He took us ( The Youth Theatre) to Manchester in the 70s, an event where all Youth Theatres of Britain meet up...I come from a poor background and I had never even been out of Liverpool up to that point,no holidays etc.

Well later on I studied at the East 15 acting school 1986 - 1989 and it is the foundations that Gordon layed down that created that opportunity and helped that event to take place,of this I am sure.

He is missed ,though never forgotten.Thank you Gordon.

Patrick Murphy

animated rule

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